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1985 - heute in 3 Files
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Weitere Informationen:
TI: The commercial Ecu: A growing initiative in the private sector
AU - Author: Lichter-Gilbert
SO - Source: World-of-Banking. Spring 1996; v15n1, pp. 22-25 [4 pages]
IS - ISSN: 0730-8736
PY - Publication Year: 1996
AV - Availability: Photocopy available from ABI/INFORM 15881.00
AB - Abstract: The Association Bancaire pour l'Ecu (ABE) was founded
in 1985 to set up and manage the system of equalization for, and facilitate
the use of, the Ecu. ABE began to study at an early date the impact which
the creation of EMU could have on banking activities. Stage B of the 3rd
phase of organization of the EMU covers the actual launching on the monetary
union. Interbank and financial activities will quickly take place in a
single currency, mainly due to: 1. superfluousness due to fixed exchange
parities, 2. the positive effect of large European companies switching
over to the Ecu, and 3. the fact that monetary policy will be in Ecus as
soon as EMU comes into being. Stage C covers the period during which national
notes and coins will be withdrawn from circulation and replaced with notes
and coins in Ecus. This stage will be the last phase in the transition
towards a single currency. The future of international payments will consist
of 3 different strategies: 1. public service, 2. partnership, and 3. A
strategy that is commercial and wholesale trader-oriented consisting of
private international equalization systems.
CC - Classification Code: Western-Europe,-includes-UK (9175); Economic-policy-and-planning
(1120); Financial-services-industry (8100); Telecommunications-systems
(5250); Non-profit-institutions (9540)
DE - Descriptor: European-Currency-Unit; European-monetary-unit; Payment-systems;
International-finance; Bank-automation; Private-sector; Bankers-associations
GE - Geographic Names: Europe
CO - Company Name: ECU-Banking-Association
PN - Publication Title: World-of-Banking
PC - Publication Code: WOB
AN - Accession Number: 1223192
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- 19.01.97